Back (again again)


So… I don’t really know how to start this one, but maybe I could start with “I’m sorry”? I know I said in april that I was back, and then I stopped blogging. I am really sorry about that, but real life Things came in the way of me trying to lose weight. BUT now I really am back Again. This time I want to do it. Not half the way, all the way this time!

I have sat a date. On monday september 1th i’m going back on the dukan diet. I will start on fase 1 and I was thinking about taking Pictures of all the food I eat in the first week and post it in here. Would you Guys like that? That might give you some inspiration on what to eat.

This time I’ll try to post as much as I can, now that I have the time. I have so much to share with you all, many thoughts and ideas that I will post about. Again I think I’ll be using my blog to get it all out so be prepared to se EVERYTHING.


Cheat day

So I have been on the dukan diet over 2 weeks now (and yes, I have lost some weight), and I thought long about it and came to the konclusion that I had to have some cheat days. I decide myself, when and where I want to, and what I want to cheat with. But I can only have 1 cheat day a week. I think it is a good idea because then you have something to look forward to. But it’s also kind of hard, because when I am on my cheat day, I just wanna eat EVERYTHING. So it is kind of hard to deal with. I think I learned my lesson last Friday, where I decided to cheat. So I ate 3 choholate bars and 2/3 parts of my homemade pizza. After I was done, I felt so bad. My stomach was hurting so bad, and I think it was because of all that choholate, but I just had to have it. So I know that I should not eat that Again and I can move on to another craving. I am having my second cheat day today, and I started at lunch having 2 pizza bread from a bakery. Another lesson learned: you only need to buy one, also even if the lady behind the counter says: Theres is 2 for 25kr (I think it is about 4 dollars?). So I just have to learn not to be the greedy the Next time. Besides the pizza bread, I ate 3 (I think I have a thing about 3..) granola bars. Then I went for an hour and a half long walk with my dog to burn some calories off. For dinner tonight I am going to make a big Salad with everything in it and with some dressing. So I am cheating but not as bad as it could have been. I still think that when I wake up tomorrow I am going to feel so bad about myself and go to the gym. So I am okay with having a cheat day once a week, because it make me wanna be healthy the Next following week.
That was my (many) thoughts on todays and last weeks cheat day.


Since my latest post

So it have been months since last time, and I am so sorry for those of you who actually read my posts (is there any?). As I wrote I have been unmotivated and eating like a crazy person and I haven’t been to the gym in ages!
But in some of my latest post (in october!!!) I was telling you about that injury that I had, that really affected me badly. And months went on with me not doing that many exercises. And the result was me back at where I just started. From there it just went Down hill. I ate all the bad food, and kept telling myself “it’s okay, you’ll just start tomorrow”, and I think have used thate phrase in months now.

But this Tuesday I started on the dukan diet Again. I have proved before that this diet Works on me, but what I have to learn this time is to control it afterwords. So now I am trying Again and I cross my fingers that I will succed this time, I really have to!

I will do a weekly summary and I will try posting as much as I can. I think this time I will also start using the blog as a way to get all of my frustration out. We will see.
Ready, set GOOOOOO!


I’m back

Hello guys,
what a long time since my latest post. Well I could tell you a milliom excuses but I won’t because there aren’t really an excuse that is good enough is there? But I think I got a bit unmotivated both with blogging and dieting and Things happend in life. But now I am ready, and I have so much to write about, so I hope you guys are ready :-)



Week 4 & 5

So I forgot to post last week cause I had some days off which I was spending with Family. So this post is both about week four and five on the dukan diet fase 2. And how did it go?

Well in week 4 I thought that it was extra hard not to eat all the good Things cause all people around me did. But I kept myself together and only cheated with a piece of ryebred, and oh how I miss my ryebread! I took one walk with my dog, and that was kind of the exercise I did that week, because of my injury. When I steped on the weight I was a Little sad cause I had only lost 700g! But instead of giving up and eat bad Things I kept going into week 5.

In this week I have cheated with a handful raisins (I find that when I really crave something sweet in the evenings this is a better choise!) and some dressing on my chicken. Not much really, because I try to keep my cheating on a minimum. Another good Things happening this week was that I have been out walking with my dog several times! It only hurt a Little bit now, so I think that my injury is much better these days, yay! Maybe soon I can go to the gym, jiiiiaay! So when I stepped on the scale this morning it said that I have lost 1,5 kg and that made my day! So I am loosing more weight Again. But I know that some weeks you don’t Loose as much and ofcause it certainly helped with some exercise. So now I just have to keep going strong!


Week 3

Sorry for the late post, I have some days off which I am spending with Family and friends. I have now survived another week in dukan diet fase 2.

It went okay, I have to admit that I have cheated a Little bit, but I felt like I really had to. I had been walking outside for hours and I was freezing so I had to get a cop of chocolate and a cookie. It was only a Little one though, and I think I walked it all off Again, so I am not sorry I did it. It wasn’t that much so it is okay. Moderation is the key, you guys! Other than that I still can’t go to the gym, but I am starting to walk a bit now. It get’s better and better I think. So since I still can’t exercise and I cheated (just a tiny bit) I have lost 1,1 kg in this week. I am happy about that as long as the kilograms continues to go away from my body! Just keep going.


Week 2

The second week of the dukan diet is over. As the first fase only is some kind of a “kickstarter”, I am now in fase 2. In face 2 you switch between eating only meet one day, and then NeXT day you can add some Salad (only Salad that is allowed). It helps eating something else than just meat, so therefore it get’s easier and easier.

So how did it go? well it went okay, I did not cheat. I changed between meat and Salad like I should. But I have to admit that I still miss eating what others eat, it is really hard. Luckly not as tough as it was the first week. This week I had some trouble with my stomach hurting. I still can’t do exercise because of my injury, I hope I can do some next week. But in total it went okay, because I have lost 1,8 kg. You cannot expect to lose as much as the first week, because that is most Water you are losing. So I am happy that I lost some weight Again, without doing exercise. Hope it continues…