Since my latest post

So it have been months since last time, and I am so sorry for those of you who actually read my posts (is there any?). As I wrote I have been unmotivated and eating like a crazy person and I haven’t been to the gym in ages!
But in some of my latest post (in october!!!) I was telling you about that injury that I had, that really affected me badly. And months went on with me not doing that many exercises. And the result was me back at where I just started. From there it just went Down hill. I ate all the bad food, and kept telling myself “it’s okay, you’ll just start tomorrow”, and I think have used thate phrase in months now.

But this Tuesday I started on the dukan diet Again. I have proved before that this diet Works on me, but what I have to learn this time is to control it afterwords. So now I am trying Again and I cross my fingers that I will succed this time, I really have to!

I will do a weekly summary and I will try posting as much as I can. I think this time I will also start using the blog as a way to get all of my frustration out. We will see.
Ready, set GOOOOOO!


Update on my diet

After New Years Eve I had a couple of days where I was eating some leftovers, I couldn’t help it so I took some days where I was eating a bit of everything. (We are talking cookies, white bread!, candy, fruit, chocolate) My weigh didn’t go down it was just the same as it has been since christmas. So I decieded that on the january 5. I would go back on the dukan as I have lived on the last 3 months. So here I am back on the diet, back in the gym – have been for 5 days, and if you know my blog you know that I weigh myself in every 5. day. So I did today and I have lost 1,4 kg since january 5. That’s pretty good and I really hope that I can continue losing 1 kg a week. I want to get healthy now!!! But I know that it will only be less and less the longer my body is on the diet and get use to it, but can’t a girl dream?

I have also decieded to try more recipes, and I have already been. It is exiting to try something new and I think it I need because I have been eating the same kind of food alot lately. I think that should be my new years resolution? Try something new. Both food, clothes, in the gym and in life. Make it more interesting!

I have been to the gym the last 4 days. Today I am having a relaxing day, my body really needs it after long and good workouts but I am already looking forward to go to the gym tomorrow and kick some a** :-).


A new year

First, happy New year to everyone, hope you all had a wonderful night. A whole new year is in front of our feet and peple ask each other and so do I: what are your new years resolution?

At september 2012 I made the change in my life that I wanted to do for so many years. I followed the dukan diet and exercied and that has changed me, and I have becomed 18 kg lighter. So what is my resolution to 2013? Well I really want to continue losing weight and get in shape for the summer. If I succed with this, I am going to be the happiest girl that I have ever been. So I cross my fingers that I can do it, and I believe I can – I simple have to.

So dear 2013 I am not affraid, I am so ready to meet you and fight with you and all other people who want their wishes to come true. I wish you all the best and again happy new year, may 2013 be the best year ever.