Cheat day

So I have been on the dukan diet over 2 weeks now (and yes, I have lost some weight), and I thought long about it and came to the konclusion that I had to have some cheat days. I decide myself, when and where I want to, and what I want to cheat with. But I can only have 1 cheat day a week. I think it is a good idea because then you have something to look forward to. But it’s also kind of hard, because when I am on my cheat day, I just wanna eat EVERYTHING. So it is kind of hard to deal with. I think I learned my lesson last Friday, where I decided to cheat. So I ate 3 choholate bars and 2/3 parts of my homemade pizza. After I was done, I felt so bad. My stomach was hurting so bad, and I think it was because of all that choholate, but I just had to have it. So I know that I should not eat that Again and I can move on to another craving. I am having my second cheat day today, and I started at lunch having 2 pizza bread from a bakery. Another lesson learned: you only need to buy one, also even if the lady behind the counter says: Theres is 2 for 25kr (I think it is about 4 dollars?). So I just have to learn not to be the greedy the Next time. Besides the pizza bread, I ate 3 (I think I have a thing about 3..) granola bars. Then I went for an hour and a half long walk with my dog to burn some calories off. For dinner tonight I am going to make a big Salad with everything in it and with some dressing. So I am cheating but not as bad as it could have been. I still think that when I wake up tomorrow I am going to feel so bad about myself and go to the gym. So I am okay with having a cheat day once a week, because it make me wanna be healthy the Next following week.
That was my (many) thoughts on todays and last weeks cheat day.


Since my latest post

So it have been months since last time, and I am so sorry for those of you who actually read my posts (is there any?). As I wrote I have been unmotivated and eating like a crazy person and I haven’t been to the gym in ages!
But in some of my latest post (in october!!!) I was telling you about that injury that I had, that really affected me badly. And months went on with me not doing that many exercises. And the result was me back at where I just started. From there it just went Down hill. I ate all the bad food, and kept telling myself “it’s okay, you’ll just start tomorrow”, and I think have used thate phrase in months now.

But this Tuesday I started on the dukan diet Again. I have proved before that this diet Works on me, but what I have to learn this time is to control it afterwords. So now I am trying Again and I cross my fingers that I will succed this time, I really have to!

I will do a weekly summary and I will try posting as much as I can. I think this time I will also start using the blog as a way to get all of my frustration out. We will see.
Ready, set GOOOOOO!


Week 3

Sorry for the late post, I have some days off which I am spending with Family and friends. I have now survived another week in dukan diet fase 2.

It went okay, I have to admit that I have cheated a Little bit, but I felt like I really had to. I had been walking outside for hours and I was freezing so I had to get a cop of chocolate and a cookie. It was only a Little one though, and I think I walked it all off Again, so I am not sorry I did it. It wasn’t that much so it is okay. Moderation is the key, you guys! Other than that I still can’t go to the gym, but I am starting to walk a bit now. It get’s better and better I think. So since I still can’t exercise and I cheated (just a tiny bit) I have lost 1,1 kg in this week. I am happy about that as long as the kilograms continues to go away from my body! Just keep going.


4 months on the dukan diet

Already 4 months since I started on the dukan diet. Can you believe it? Wow, time goes by so fast! I just wanted to make my monthly update on how I am doing on the diet, so here it goes.

What has been the hardest this month? I have so much trouble getting back to the “usual” me since christmas and New Year. I have been eating some crap and I feel so bad. Everything just look so good and I really miss sweets. So yes, I have trouble with staying away with all the great food. And this craving food lust has been showed on my weight a couple of times. But I am working on getting back on track and I will.

How is it going with the gym? I am actually so proud of myself, I have been to the gym many many times this month. Even at the christmas days! I have been working my ass of and I think I am getting stronger any minute. Lately I have also been so good at walking with my dog. Even though it is so cold here in DK right now, I have walked! And I am still hulahooping for 5-10 minutes nearly everyday. Besides that I have also been doing some exercises at home. So yeah, I am doing great on the exercising. When it get’s a little warmer and the snow is gone and I am a few kilograms lighter I will start running for sure!

What about the food? Well I promised myself that I would start trying some new recipes and thank god for that. Now I can eat pizza and pita, and it is allowed because the recipes is from a dukan page. Yay! So I am doing good with the food, but still, I really miss “normal” food for instance pommes frites and pasta! I really look forward to eating that again.

So how much have I lost? 5 days ago I weighed myself, and I had gained 1 kg! I was so annoyed that I just gave it a bit more. To days in fase 1 and a lot of walking. Luckly it paid off. When I weighed myself in today, 4 months on the dukan it say that I have lost a total of 22,5 kg. Happy me! I feel so good and I just wanna continue. The one thing I also do every month is to measuring myself. And I keep getting smaller, thank god! I have lost several inches around my body and I can’t wait to lose more.


About not being to strict

At christmas I ate some fish that was deep fried, almost a whole dark chocolate plate (75%) and a lot of cookies. Maybe it dosn’t sound like much but believe me, I felt so bad about eating it.

So therefore these last couple of days I have been eating as the dukan says and yesterday I went running and today I was at the gym. I feel better now, it is funny because I think I really have got some good habits because of the dukan diet. If I don’t go to the gym I feel bad, and I just need to get out on a walk. I have to get some exercise everyday, and I like it. I am very greateful for this new habit, more to come!

But I made a deal with a friend and my mom. Tomorrow on New Years Eve I will enjoy the evening with some good food and some drinks. I havn’t been drinking alcohol since this summer when I graduated, so that is going to be interesting. But I have decided to enjoy this evening and eat what I want, and then go back to my normal dukan routine. I think I deserve one night were I am allowed to eat ALL the things, even on christmas I didn’t do that.

So what I wanted to say with this post is that even if you are on a diet, you have to allow yourself something good now and then. You won’t gain this one night. You just have to enjoy the night and then go back on your usual diet/exercise. Do it for you, you are hard working and you deserve it.


2 months on the dukan diet

Yes! I have now “survived” 2 months on the dukan diet. And how did it go?

Well, I know that I said earlier that I would like to go back to fase 1, just to try it, but I havn’t. I have been in fase 2 the whole time, I like to have a little bit of salad. I eat like I am on the first fase in the day, and then when it comes to dinner I add some salad and I think thats okay, it keeps me more motivated.

It is hard when someone around you eats pizza ect. I miss it! I was sick for a couple of days and I really felt like shit so I wasn’t at the gym 2-3 days. I think it is difficult to come up with different recepies, so I am eating the same things again and again, and I am affraid that if I keep doing that I will be tired of the food.


I have lost in total: 12 kg! That is just so amazing, I think I should be proud of myself. I have also lost some cm on my body. 2 cm around my arms, 7 cm around my waist, 10 cm around my hips and 7 cm around my thighs. Another postive things is that friends and family have been saying how proud they are and how amazing they think I am doing, this really makes me feel great. Also, I have been going to the gym alot, which feels great.

So yes, I have now lost 12 kg and several cm. This only makes me wanna continue! I am glad that it is working for me, and I hope that I will be able to reach my goal.
