Cheat day

So I have been on the dukan diet over 2 weeks now (and yes, I have lost some weight), and I thought long about it and came to the konclusion that I had to have some cheat days. I decide myself, when and where I want to, and what I want to cheat with. But I can only have 1 cheat day a week. I think it is a good idea because then you have something to look forward to. But it’s also kind of hard, because when I am on my cheat day, I just wanna eat EVERYTHING. So it is kind of hard to deal with. I think I learned my lesson last Friday, where I decided to cheat. So I ate 3 choholate bars and 2/3 parts of my homemade pizza. After I was done, I felt so bad. My stomach was hurting so bad, and I think it was because of all that choholate, but I just had to have it. So I know that I should not eat that Again and I can move on to another craving. I am having my second cheat day today, and I started at lunch having 2 pizza bread from a bakery. Another lesson learned: you only need to buy one, also even if the lady behind the counter says: Theres is 2 for 25kr (I think it is about 4 dollars?). So I just have to learn not to be the greedy the Next time. Besides the pizza bread, I ate 3 (I think I have a thing about 3..) granola bars. Then I went for an hour and a half long walk with my dog to burn some calories off. For dinner tonight I am going to make a big Salad with everything in it and with some dressing. So I am cheating but not as bad as it could have been. I still think that when I wake up tomorrow I am going to feel so bad about myself and go to the gym. So I am okay with having a cheat day once a week, because it make me wanna be healthy the Next following week.
That was my (many) thoughts on todays and last weeks cheat day.